We all have those days where we feel like we need a boost of happy or relaxation to get us out of our funk and give us more energy. Heck sometimes it happens multiple times in one day. I am currently in a season of life where I find I am needing a reset often and I have built a tool box of things that help me do just that. Here are my top 10 cup fillers!
Listening to music, specifically my ‘Pick Me Up Playlist.’ I listed this as number one for a reason. Music can almost instantly change my mood, depending on the song. I created a playlist of songs that lift me up, give me a better perspective, breathe hope into my heart or make me want to dance! If I feel anxious, then I find a playlist from an artist from my childhood because it’s amazing how nostalgia will give me endorphins and soothe my soul.
Going outside or at the very least, changing my scenery. Going outside and breathing in fresh air is a sure sign to my body that it is okay to relax and let go of some of the stress it has been holding onto. Added bonus if I am able to take my shoes and socks off and walk in the grass to really ground myself (so many cool studies on how this literally changes your energy). If I’m unable to do that, then I will try to get out to the area I am in and the headspace I am in and go to a different place in the department or my house. Just getting out of the area where I have been can sometimes be the little change that I need to reset.
Getting off of my phone! Oh gosh, I will admit, this one is the hardest for me to do but it makes a big difference when I am able to. When my brain is constantly taking in new information, it’s no wonder I feel overwhelmed at times. Putting my phone in my room and out of sight has been helpful in letting my brain and my eyes take a break to do something else that doesn’t involve a screen or zoning out. When you are on your phone, I also recommend unfollowing whatever makes you stressed out on your phone. If you are constantly triggered when you look at certain posts, don’t do that to yourself. Take back your control and unfollow. You can always follow again if you want to and the world doesn’t end when someone gets unfollowed. Your sanity is more important!
Guided meditation is one of my favorites! I’m a huge fan of the Insight Timer app because it has thousands of free meditations! I am particular when it comes to meditation, mainly I can’t have someone making mouth noises during their meditation. Turns out that doesn’t relax me and just makes me angry, haha! I really like to use meditation to help me return to the present moment and recenter myself. It’s also one of the best ways I have found to help me shut down my hamster wheel of thoughts when I’m trying to go to sleep at night. To clear up any misconceptions you may have if you haven’t tried meditation, you actually don’t stop thinking, it just helps you refocus on other thoughts and if your previous thoughts pop up, that’s completely normal. It helps decrease rumination and calm your nervous system. Throw some essential oils into a diffuser, pop your earbuds in and give it a try if you haven’t already!
Moving my body! As I mentioned in a previous blog, the way I move my body depends on what I am currently experiencing. If I feel like I need an energy boost, I will do something to get my heart rate up, like spinning, running on the treadmill or jumping on a mini trampoline. If I feel anxious and feel like my body just needs comfort, I will go for a walk, or stretch and foam roll. Sometimes that walk looks like a combo of walking and grounding by walking back and forth in my yard with my shoes and socks off.
Drinking something warm has a calming or energizing effect on my mood depending on what I drink. My favorite warm drink is obviously coffee! I drink one cup in the morning (more than that is too much caffeine for my system and has an adverse effect on my nerves). I have used mud water in the past as that was a great option when even my one cup of coffee was too much caffeine for my system (check to make sure ingredients don’t interact with any meds you may be on and check with a doc if pregnant/breastfeeding). Over the past few years, I have really grown to like tea too! I have tried out different flavors and will typically add in nut or oat milk and honey to make it more of a tea latte. I choose a caffeine free version because I usually like tea in the afternoon and don’t want it to mess up my sleep. I also enjoy hot lemon water with a pinch of sea/himalayan salt in it to help energize me, especially on cold mornings!
Speaking of water, I ALWAYS have water with me now. This, however, wasn’t always the case. I used to drink a lot more coffee, pop, juice, etc. Now I make sure that I have my water with me to have easy access to the energy boost that being hydrated is. Dehydration often also leads me to having headaches which, turns out, doesn’t make me happy. I always throw some frozen fruit and a pinch of sea/himalayan salt in there to up the probability of me wanting to drink it (fruit flavored and cold because the fruit is frozen) and help the water actually get into my cells (pinch of sea/himalayan salt). Think about if you go to the ER due and you are dehydrated, they don’t just give you a bag of water in your IV, they give you saline (fancy salt water), which helps the water actually be absorbed by your body. Here is a cool article explaining some of the benefits. (https://reduceinjuries.com/blog/adding-sea-salt-to-your-daily-routine/).
Reading a great book, one that I can actually hold in my hand, instead of an audio book or kindle book! I used to read all of the time when I was younger and I loved it. Somewhere along the line, I stopped reading physical books and started listening to them exclusively. Now, I’m not knocking audio books, as I do love them too, however, there is something more relaxing about reading an actual book. You're not looking at a screen or hooked up to headphones. Also, the smell of a new book, don’t even get me started! :) Grab yourself a warm, tea latte, snuggle into a cozy blanket and enjoy some technology-free entertainment!
Podcasts! I’m a human in the technology era so, of course, I still use technology! One of my other favorite technological ways of resetting, outside of music, is by listening to a good podcast! My top 20 podcasts in this season are (in no particular order):
Mel Robbins
The Mindset Mentor
Rachel Hollis
Goal Digger
Ten Percent Happier
We Can Do Hard Things
The School of Greatness
That Sounds Fun
Happier with Gretchen Ruben
Made for Living Well
On Purpose
Unlocking Us
Dare to Lead
Intuitively You
Dear Gabby
Huberman Lab
The Rachel Cruz Show
The Minimalists
Whoa That’s Good
10. Last but not least, spending time with people who make me feel good! You know those people that just get you? The ones you can vent to and be your complete human self around. The ones who will hug you and make you laugh when the world feels really hard. If you are feeling like you are alone in feeling the way you are, chances are, you are not. One of the most affirming things I am finding out more and more as I get older is that we are all humans and have very similar emotions to one another. It’s okay to be frustrated, angry, sad, and to feel all that you are feeling. Reach out to one of your favorite people. Have a good cry, a good laugh and remember that the feelings you are feeling are usually temporary and you don’t have to weather them by yourself!
I hope these helped get your brain firing about ways you can help fill your cup throughout the times when your energy is zapped, you’re feeling overwhelmed or you just need a pick-me-up!
Also, not an ad, I loved taking the class that Alexa Schirm offers called, Health Made Simple (https://thelivingwell.com/health-made-simple)! She is such an incredible teacher and I have learned so much from her about filling my cup and resetting, that I apply to my day-to-day life! I also loved the book Burnout by Amelia and Emily Nagoski that talks about how to complete a stress cycle using some of the above techniques!
Until next time, Friends, I hope you have a wonderful day and you do something for yourself to help you feel loved and cared for! You deserve that so much!